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Der September 2020 zeigte sich hie und da noch recht garstig. Energiediebe allerorten. 2020-21

September 2020 was still quite nasty here and there. Energy thieves everywhere. 2020-21 egg tempera, watercolor and metallic paint and watercolor pencil on Finn cardboard, 100x63cm

Meine Arbeiten zeigen Geschöpfe und Szenen, die nicht meiner Phantasie entstammen, sondern aus einem Farbklecks aufsteigen, um von mir mit Stift und Pinsel für alle sichtbar gemacht zu werden. Daher nenne ich sie FACETTEN DER SCHÖPFUNG.
Alle Bilder laden zu einem erholsamen Kurzurlaub im Kopf ein, der die Gedanken befreit. Dadurch wird neuer Raum geschaffen – ich erinnere Dich an Deine eigene Schöpferkraft, indem ich Dir zeige, wie es aussehen kann, wenn man Herz und Blick weitet und Neues zulässt. Wir leben in einer spannenden Zeit, in der alles möglich ist. Es liegt in uns.

To the Gallery

Lichter Traum, 2020, Eitempera, Aquarellfarbe und -stift, Metallfarbe auf Finnpappe, 60 x 33 cm


Dr Monica Ferrarini, art critic and curator in Rome, says about my work in her book Artists of Today and Tomorrow 2 in December 2021:

Katja Tomzig‘s paintings are populated by a series of recurring figures and symbols , set in dream-like scenarios. These are fantastic worlds, inhibited by surreal beings that pertain to the human, faunal and natural world, and that invite us to abandon ourselves to the discovery of the detail, the unknown, the mystery, in order for the observer to be led to interpret the image in a completely individual manner. In these imaginary scenarios we discover the joy of the colour, the delicacy of the trait, the infinite variety of the enveloping chromatic textures that delineate a charming compositional space.
The intention is not to give a look-alike representation of the real, but to give structure to shapes that free the imaginary, transforming the objective data. Through characters that become metaphor, suspended in between real and unreal, the artist aims at translating in image what a „normal“ eye isn‘t able to grasp, that daily aspect that to many results invisible. 
Following an emotional/creative path that‘s completely subjective, Tomzig shapes an enchanted world, where the suggestion of the contents envelops the fascinating synthesis of the dialogue among dream and reality. These enchanting atmospheres that embrace timeless spaces reveal a meticulous pictorial technique that confer character to the drawing, and reveal the sensitive personality of an attentive artist with a great narrative ability.

Matilde Della Pina, art historian and curator at M.A.D.S., international contemporary art gallery in Milan and on Fuerte Ventura - says on the occasion of the exhibition "ALDILA" in autumn 2021:

Katja Tomzig is a German professional artist taking part in international solo and group exhibitions. At “ALDILA’” exhibition hosted by M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, Katja presents “September 2020 was still quite unpleasant here and there. Energy thieves everywhere”, a work from her series of paintings “Facets of Creation”: characterized by fantastic creatures and sceneries, their aim is to bring joy, light and love into the lives of its viewers. The basis for each of these paintings is an uncontrolled splash of colour, in which the scene revealed to her that is finally to be seen in the finished painting. At first glance, a seascape seems to be represented in watercolor and lively tones, with some eyes that look and question us. Looking more closely, we see that from the splashes of color emerge little cute monsters that interact with each other on the canvas. If this work may initially seem like a play of colors, in reality it hides a deeper meaning: with it, in fact, Katja wants to show the world in the process of transformation in which it currently finds itself. (...)