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About me

Photographed in my studio by Robert Grund.


Mein Arbeitsleben in Stichpunkten

  • Katja Tomzig | born 1975 in Dresden, Germany | 2010 to 2021 Cologne, Germany | summer 2021 return to Dresden
  • 1993 - 1995 studied art and German language and literature at the University of Dresden
  • in the meantime: newspaper editor, photographer, press officer for a major event organiser, two burn outs
  • 2015 - 2017 studied in painting at Freie Kunstschule Köln (Cologne Private School of Fine Arts) with Diploma in painting
  • im Anschluß ein Semester Meisterstudium bei Alexander Rudy
  • November 2017 Founding of the independent artist group Art for People (which has fallen into a deep Corona sleep).
  • 2018 and 2019 studied in old masters painting at Fine Art Academy Cologne with additional seminars with international artists
  • seit März 2019 freischaffend mit den FACETTEN DER SCHÖPFUNG
  • Since Autumn 2019: represented in Cologne by Galerie KARAK, Naumannstraße 7


My painting series FACETTS OF CREATION and how it came to me

Both my grandfathers and my father painted a lot and I painted with them from an early age. My goal was to be able to paint like the old masters. After twelve years of school and four semesters of studying to be an art teacher, it was clear that I would never achieve my goal this way. So with a heavy heart I turned to other tasks that did not make me happy.

An meinem 40. Geburtstag habe ich dann zu mir selbst gesagt: „Wenn Du glücklich werden willst mit Deinem täglichen Tun, musst Du Dir jetzt die Schule suchen, in der Du endlich lernst, was Du immer lernen wolltest!“ Und ich habe gesucht und in meiner damaligen Stadt Köln zwei private Kunstschulen gefunden, die das klassische Handwerk vermitteln. Diese habe ich aufbauend nacheinander besucht und bin meinem Ziel so nahe gekommen bin, dass es gut für mich war. Und dann kamen meine FACETTEN DER SCHÖPFUNG zu mir und machen mich seither glücklich bei der Arbeit.

Mehr durch Zufall habe ich Jahre vorher in einem mit Farbe bekleckerten Zeichenblatt eine Vielzahl an Geschöpfen entdeckt und begeistert mit einem Stift nachgezogen. Daran habe ich mich im Frühjahr 2019 während einer langen, langweiligen Krankheit erinnert und einen Stapel Kleckspapier mit auf mein Sofa genommen und im Liegen ein Wesen nach dem anderen aus dem Klecks befreit und in unsere Welt geholt. Das war so faszinierend und spannend, dass ich an meiner Bildreihe FACETTEN DER SCHÖPFUNG noch heute male. Die ersten Gemälde passten auf ein Klemmbrett und waren mehr Zeichnungen, heute sind die Bilder bis zu 140cm breit und zum Teil voll ausgemalt. Ich arbeite mit Eitempera, Aquarellfarbe und -stiften, wasserlöslicher Metallfarbe und gerne auch mal mit Kaffee, Tee oder Säften auf verschiedene Papiersorten. Wenn ich ein Gemälde abgeschlossen habe, bin ich schon neugierig, wer mir im nächsten alles entgegen kommt.

Schon als Kind war mir klar, dass unsere Sichtweise irgendwie eingeschränkt ist – viel mehr um uns herum existiert und agiert, als wir landläufig sehen. Als ich die Geschöpfe in den Farbklecksen wieder entdeckt habe, war mir schnell klar, dass diese Art Gemälde neben der Freude die sie verbreiten auch eine wunderbare Möglichkeit sind, einen Eindruck davon zu vermitteln, was alles möglich ist, wenn man sein Herz und seinen Horizont weitet, seine Schöpferkraft entfaltet und anwendet.

Truly anything is possible, it depends on each individual what they bring into the field of vision. We can all live in a beautiful world full of miracles. Right now.

When I'm not freeing creatures from splashes of colour, for example, I think of plants that relax and beautify the lives of many beings here on earth - such as the EbaHuri tree. Its football-sized fruits in red and yellow taste like strawberries or bananas when raw, and like beef or chicken when cooked or fried. Its skin is better than leather and its huge petals make the finest paper in the world when dried. It flowers and matures all year round and sheds all its bark once a year, which makes excellent material for furniture or houses. When I have put it all down on paper, I will publish it and I believe that the more people have seen the new plants, the more likely they will grow in our meadows. Don't you think? I'm trying it out and I'm already very excited :)

And here's my very first explorer painting from 2005 on the back of an already crumpled, meant-to-be-thrown-away drawing pad cover.

Waterworld I - 2005 - Din A3 - tempera colours and watercolour pencils on scratch paper



One fine day in 2019, I heard the following words on you+tube : "Wenn Du das nächste Mal das Haus verlässt: SThe next time you leave the house: look at everyone you meet and think 'I love you'. You don't have to feel it or say it out loud - thinking is enough. And see what happens." guck‘, was passiert.“ *

I listened and thought, this fits perfectly into my private series of experiments on how to be more beautiful together.

An extensive field of experimentation opened up the very next day. To finance my late art studies, I worked in a small, privately run specialist shop for artists' supplies in the city centre of a West German metropolis of millions.

So I set off in the morning and the number of encounters increased at a leisurely pace, so that I was able to "fall in love" well.Then, when changing trains at a junction, things looked quite different. dann ganz anders aus. "I love you", "I love you", "love you, love you" ...... an estimated 770 people came towards me, none of whom looked at keiner ansah. II loved them all.uch die Stadt-Tauben, Even the city doves who were open to it. Suddenly there was a big smile in the middle of the crowd - a young man with a funny little hat looked me straight in the face as I passed. ein breites Lächeln – ein junger Mann mit einen lustigen kleinen Hütchen sah mir im Vorbeigehen direkt ins Gesicht. He remained the only one.

My train arrived, I took a seat at the door and was heavily occupied with all the "I love you's" on the train, outside the windows, passengers getting on and off. It is always said that the universe (alternatively God, the Source, the angels)

sends you a sign when you are not quite sure of what you are doing. So I saw (wahlweise Gott, die Quelle, die Engel) sendet myself confirmed when the girl-deer sculpture right next to the track held out a thick, bright red heart balloon towards me today - spurred on, I continued to love for all it was worth! wenn man sich nicht ganz sicher ist in seinem Tun. But that could also have been a coincidence... As if the universe had noticed my doubts, a real confirmation hammer came right afterwards:kulptur Shortly before I had to get off, Herzluftballon entgegen streckte angespornt liebte ich weiter, was das Zeug hielt!

Wobei, das hätte ja the young man with the funny little hat A(who had walked past me in the other direction earlier) Kurz bevor ich aussteigen musste, steht plötzlich der junge Mann mit dem lustigen Hütchen (der vorhin an mir vorbei in die andere Richtung gelaufen warsuddenly stood directly in front of my seat, looked at me piercingly and said: "Whatever you're doing, don't stop!"

I was completely thrown off my game. And even today it still trickles up my spine.

It was clear that I had to tell my colleague all this before I started work. We were four mini-jobbers and all very interested in the path to a more beautiful world and regularly exchanged new insights and experiences. Therefore, she was immediately on fire and we decided to spend the entire day with loved ones - with united strength.

Wundervoll“ und „zauberhaft“ sind "Wonderful" and "magical" are two very weak words to describe the course of the hours that followed. sehr schwache Worte, It was simply unbelievable:. customers stopped at the checkout after paying and at some point said "I've already got everything, but it's so nice with you, I don't even want to leave." Even otherwise difficult regular customers had lost all conceit and were obviously delighted. irgendwann Most impressive for me were the reactions of the children. They looked at me spellbound with huge eyes and did not want to move away.

One father came back with the child on his shoulders and said: "He wanted to see you again and wouldn't be dissuaded. When we had looked deeply into each other's eyes again, the little one was able to leave. I was deeply touched.

That day was a revelation. It was certain that the love-thinking-giving has a powerful force. Highly potentiated by just two lovers. Since then I would like to know what happens if for just one day ALL - or even just a hundred or a thousand people simply love everyone they meet (as I said, thinking the words is enough - this also works with people who would otherwise be difficult to do :). What power! How quickly would the earth lift?

That is the reason why I wrote this story down. And because I asked the universe what I could do directly and constructively myself to speed up the collective awakening and the beginning of the new era. And because the answer was: "You are already doing it and now write it down and distribute it to the people!

In this sense: Thank you for your attention and see you soon in the new world :)anke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit und bis gleich in der neuen Welt 🙂
GANZ NEU: Mein Kurs „Die Kunst der Harmonie“ vermittelt die Weiterentwicklung des „Ich liebe Dich“ als individuelle Formel zur Integration in Dein Leben. Du gestaltest damit selbstbestimmt Situationen und Orte in Deinem Leben harmonischer, leichter und respektvoller Dir gegenüber. Dauer: ca. 4 Stunden.

* Nachtrag: Heute ist mir endlich wieder eingefallen, wer die zündenden Worte damals sprach! Es war Sandra Weber (die manche vielleicht durch THEKI kennen) – mein ganz herzliches Dankeschön dafür an dieser Stelle an Dich, liebe Sandra.